German Baby Names
A list of Unique Modern German Baby Names with Meanings
The German Baby names are basically made of several forenames known as Vornamen and a family baby name known as the Nachname. German forenames are usually gender specific and selected with utmost care to make sure that it has a good meaning. While many forenames are given to the child only one is used and this is known as the Rufname which is basically used in all official documents and is thus differentiated from other Vornamens. The Rufname is the most important of all Vornamens and special care is taken while assigning it. For instance, if the name of a saint is given to the child then the saint is believed to be enlisted as the protector of the child throughout his life. However, if the child is named after a relative it means that the relative holds a great importance in the parents' as well as the child's life. The Standesbeamte(r) who is the officer or clerk appointed for registration of marriages, births and deaths etc has the authority to finalize German baby names. He can also reject them.
The German people are very strict while keeping a baby name and utmost care is taken to ensure that the names given to the baby boys are not offensive in any way. While choosing German baby names one factor is especially taken into consideration that the name is not newly invented. In some cases however, new names are allowed but only in the case of forenames. German baby names thus have certain rules and regulations and parents need to be very careful when giving it.