Hawaiian Baby Names

A list of Unique Modern Hawaiian Baby Names with Meanings


Hawaiian baby names are not only kept by the Hawaiian parents but have also become popular among other residents of Hawaii as well as among both native and non-native Hawaiian in the United States. The real Hawaiian baby names are unisex and their might be some hidden symbolic meanings to the names as their meanings are not always clear. Earlier, parents perceived the baby names as having some great power on the owner of the name and they believed that if given names which did not have a good meaning then some evil might fall upon the child. Hawaiian baby names might be revealed in dreams or visions but could also be named after relatives but Hawaiian parents don't copy names from other families and like to have unique baby names for their child.

Surnames did not exist in ancient Hawaii and they kept the father's name as surnames. However this tradition has changed now and after 1860 The Hawaiians had to take their father's name as surnames and the Christians had to take English given names.

Hawaiian baby names are also influenced by any incident that had taken place during the birth of the baby. Nowadays, the knowledge of Hawaiian language has deteriorated and the English-speaking world has influenced the Hawaiian naming system to dissolve into the English naming system.