Italian Baby Names

A list of Unique Modern Italian Baby Names with Meanings


Suddenly you realize that your nine months of waiting is over and the next thing you hear is the murmur of your baby, surrounded by friends, family and relatives all busy bestowing your baby boy or girl with a beautiful name. And if your child happens to be an Italian then the chances of finding a more exclusive Italian baby name becomes all the more indispensable.

Finding kids name Italian is not a tough job. But what is frustrating is getting a name which is meaningful, beautiful as well as different. If you have the same problem then let us help you find the most apt baby names Italian for your little angel. Go through our list of Italian baby names and see the diverse array of names we have been assorted from a range of researched findings.

Following the traditional pattern of the country, Italian baby names are kept on the basis of their grandparent, choosing names first from the father's side and later from the mother's. Keeping these traditional attitudes in mind we have come up with names which may match with your family ancestry. So go ahead and find the suitable infant name Italian, because no parent would like their child to be referred to as any tom, dick and harry. And if the beauty of Italy is marked by unique collections then your Italian baby names should also reflect the same nature.