Russian Baby Names

Find Unique and Modern Russian Baby Names for Boys and Girls With Meanings


Though USSR has fallen down, the influence of Russian culture and language is still distinct in many countries like Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus etc. Being the national language of Russia, Russian is widely spoken in Russia. And Russian baby names are preferred by the people of Russia and other Russian speaking people spread all over the world. Russian is widely used in many countries of erstwhile USSR.

People of Russian origin are also living in many countries of the world. Their love for Russian language and culture is reflected in the Russian baby names preferred by them. Even after staying in different countries for generations they still use the Russian baby name. In order to cater to the needs of the people for Russian child names. We offer a wide selection of Russian kid names on our website. The meanings of the Russian baby names are also clearly written so that people with less proficiency in Russian language also understand the meaning.

Many people in the world prefer foreign language baby names. They can also select Russian child names for their child. The Russian kid names may seem difficult for the people who don't know English but after knowing the language, the Russian baby names becomes really attractive.