Scottish Baby Names
Find Unique and Modern Scottish Baby Names for Boys and Girls With Meanings
When a parent wants to keep a Scottish baby name care should be taken so as o find a good name for their babies. Scottish people are very much attached to their soil and country and many Scottish parents wonder from time to time if to keep a traditional name or a unique or unusual one. Scottish people while searching for Scottish baby names become more interested in their own surname or family name. Scottish surnames are divided into two categories such as the Scottish surnames from the highlands and Scottish surnames from the lowlands of Scotland. The various clans heavily influenced the surnames of the Scottish Gaelic highlanders and these surnames included names like Mackintosh, Macgregor, Mac Lachlan, MacDonnell, Macdonald, and Mac duff, Buchanan, Drummond, Munro and Ross. Scottish surnames from the lowlands of Scotland were influenced by English names and many Scottish surnames such as Stewart, Cameron and Ross are now commonly used as First or middle names.
There are a number of personal names in Scottish Gaelic, such as Ailean, Aonghas, D�mhnall, Donnchadh, Coinneach, Murchadh, for which there are traditional forms in English also such as Alan, Angus and Donald. Parent nowadays while keeping Scottish baby names make sure to give such names which could be used in the English speaking world.