American Baby Girl Names

Select Modern Unique, Unusual, Most Popular American Baby Girl Names A to B With Meanings

 Name  Meanings
Abelina a combination of Abbey + Lina
Abiann a combination of Abbey + Ann
Abianne a combination of Abbey + Ann
Abinaya a form of Abiann
Adaya a form of Ada
Adriyanna a form of Adrienne
Ajanae a combination of the prefix A + Janae
Akasha a form of Akeisha
Akayla a combination of the prefix A + Kayla
Akeisha a combination of the prefix A + Keisha
Akeria a form of Akira
Akia a combination of the prefix A + Kia
Akira a combination of the prefix A + Kira
Alaura a form of Alora
Alaysha a form of Alicia
Alaysia a form of Alicia
Albreanna a combination of Alberta + Breana
Alex Ann a combination of Alex + Ann
Alex Anne a combination of Alex + Ann
Alexane a combination of Alex + Ann
Alexanne a combination of Alex + Ann
Alexus a form of Alexis
Alora a combination of the prefix A + Lora
Amber-Lynn a combination of Amber + Lynn
Amberlee a familiar form of Amber
Amberley a familiar form of Amber
Amberly a familiar form of Amber
Amberlyn a combination of Amber + Lynn
Amberlynn a combination of Amber + Lynn
Ambra a form of Amber
Ambria a form of Amber
Amelinda a combination of Amelia + Linda
Anaya a form of Anna
Andee a form of Andrea, Fernanda
Andi a form of Andrea, Fernanda
Andie a form of Andrea, Fernanda
Anetra a form of Annette
Angeline a form of Angela
Angelisa a combination of Angela + Lisa
Aniyah a form of Anna
Ann Catherine a combination of Ann + Catherine
Ann Julie a combination of Ann + Julie
Ann Sophie a combination of Ann + Sophie
Anne Catherine a combination of Ann + Catherine
Anne Julie a combination of Ann + Julie
Anne Sophie a combination of Ann + Sophie
Anne-Sophie a combination of Ann + Sophie
Annie Claude a combination of Annie + Claude
Annie Kim a combination of Annie + Kim
Annie Pier a combination of Annie + Pier
Annjanette Ann + Janette
Annmaria a combination of Ann + Maria
Areil a form of Areli
Areli a form of Oralee
Arely a form of Oralee
Arlynn a combination of Arlene + Lynn
Asja a form of Asia
Autum a form of Autumn
Aylin a form of Alina
Babs a familiar form of Barbara
Baby baby
Barbie a familiar form of Barbara
Barbra a form of Barbara
Bea a short form of Beatrice
Becky a familiar form of Rebecca
Betsy a familiar form of Elizabeth
Bettina a combination of Beth + Tina
Beverlyann a combination of Beverly + Ann
Billie-Jean a combination of Billie + Jean
Billie-Jo a combination of Billie + Jo
Blinda a short form of Belinda
Blondie a familiar form of Blondelle
Bobbette a familiar form of Roberta
Bobbi a familiar form of Barbara, Roberta
Bobbi-Ann a combination of Bobbi + Ann
Bobbi-Jo a combination of Bobbi + Jo
Bobbi-Lee a combination of Bobbi + Lee
Bobbie a familiar form of Barbara, Roberta
Bobbie-Ann a combination of Bobbi + Ann
Bobbie-Jo a combination of Bobbi + Jo
Bonnie-Bell a combination of Bonnie + Belle
Braelyn a combination of Braeden + Lynn
Brandy-Lynn a combination of Brandy + Lynn
Brenda-Lee a combination of Brenda + Lee
Brieana a combination of Brie + Anna
Brieann a combination of Brie + Ann
Brieanna a combination of Brie + Anna
Brieanne a combination of Brie + Ann
Brooke-Lynn a form of Brooklyn
Brookelyn a form of Brooklyn
Brookelynn a form of Brooklyn
Brooklin a form of Brooklyn
Brooklyn Top100 Baby Name a combination of Brook + Lynn
Brooklyne a combination of Brook + Lynn
Brooklynn a combination of Brook + Lynn
Brooklynne a combination of Brook + Lynn
Brylee a combination of the prefix B + Riley
Brylie a combination of the prefix B + Riley
Buffy buffalo or "from the plains." Among no..
Caeley a form of Kaylee, Kelly
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