Arabic Baby Boy Names

Select Modern Unique, Unusual, Popular Arabic Baby Boy Names from M to S With Meanings

 Name  Meanings
Mahdi guided to the right path
Maher a form of Mahir
Mahir excellent
Mahmoud a form of Muhammad
Mahmud a form of Mahmoud
Mahoma worthy of being praised
Mahomet a form of Muhammad
Maimun lucky
Majed a form of Majid
Majid great; glorious
Makhi a form of Makin
Makin strong
Malik Top100 Baby Name a form of Malachi
Mansur divinely aided
Manzur the winner
Marid rebellious
Marr forbidden
Marwan history personage
Masud fortunate
Mazin proper
Mehmet a form of Mahomet
Messiah a form of Mesut
Mohamad a form of Muhammad
Mohamed a form of Muhammad
Mohamet a form of Muhammad
Mohammad a form of Muhammad
Mohammed a form of Muhammad
Mohamud a form of Muhammad
Mouhamed a form of Muhammad
Mousa a form of Moses
Mubarak blessed
Muhammad praised. History: the founder of the Isl..
Muhammed a form of Muhammad
Muhannad sword
Muhdati rightly guided
Muhsin beneficent; charitable
Mujahid fighter in the way of Allah
Mukhtar chosen
Munir brilliant; shining
Muntassir victorious
Murtadi satisfied
Mushin charitable
Mustafa chosen; royal
Mustapha a form of Mustafa
Nabeel a form of Nabil
Nabiha intelligent
Nabil noble
Nader a form of Nadir
Nadidah equal to anyone else
Nadim friend
Nadir dear, rare
Naeem benevolent
Najee a form of Naji
Naji safe
Najib born to nobility
Nash protector
Nasir a form of Nasser
Nassar protector
Nasser victorious
Nazih pure, chaste
Neguib famous
Nibal arrows
Nizam leader
Numa pleasant
Numair panther
Nusair bird of prey
Omair a form of Omar
Omar highest; follower of the Prophet
Omarr a form of Omar
Omer a form of Omar
Qabic able
Qabil able
Qadim ancient
Qadir powerful
Qamar moon
Qasim divider
Qudamah courage
Rabah winner
Rabi breeze
Radwan pleasant, delightful
Rafi exalted
Rafiq friend
Rahim merciful
Rahman compassionate
Rahul traveler
Rakim a form of Rahim
Rakin respectable
Ramadan ninth month in the Islamic calendar
Rashaad a form of Rashad
Rashad wise counselor
Rashaud a form of Rashad
Rasheed a form of Rashad
Rashid a form of Rashad
Rashod a form of Rashad
Rayhan favored by God
Reda satisfied
Reyhan favored by God
Rida favor
Rigel foot. Astronomy: one of the stars in the..
Riyad gardens
Saad fortunate, lucky
Saddam powerful ruler
Said happy
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