Spanish Baby Boy Names

Select Modern, Unique, Unusual and Popular Spanish Baby Boy Names A to Z With Meanings

 Name  Meanings
Silvestre a form of Sylvester
Sinforiano a form of Sinforoso
Stancio a form of Constantine
Steven Top100 Baby Name a form of Stephen
Suelita little lily
Tabo a short form of Gustave
Taciano a form of Tacio
Tajo day
Tano camp glory
Tauro a form of Toro
Teb a short form of Stephen
Tejano Texan man
Teobaldo a form of Theobald
Teodoro gift from God.
Terciero born third
Terencio a form of Terrence
Teyo God
Tiago a form of Jacob
Ticho a short form of Patrick
Tino venerable, majestic
Tito A popular Spanish nickname derived from ..
Tobal a short form of Christopher
Toli plowman
Tomas A form of the name Thomas, meaning "tw..
Topo gopher
Toro bull
Turi a form of Arthur
Tutu a familiar form of Justin
Venturo good fortune
Vermundo protective bear
Veto intelligent
Vicente a form of Vincent
Victoriano a form of Victor
Victorio a form of Victor
Vidal a form of Vitas
Vincente a form of Vincent
Virgilio a form of Virgil
Viviano small man
Waterio a form of Walter
Wilfredo a form of Wilfred
Wilfrido a form of Wilfred
Xalbador savior
Xalvador savior
Xaver a form of Xavier
Ximenes a form of Simon
Yago a form of James
Yobanis percussionist
Zacarias a form of Zachariah
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